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£30 per 30 minute lesson




After the consultation lesson, fees will be charged termly. I will send details of what the dates are.
A bank transfer is the preferred form of payment, but I am also happy to accept cash. 

An invoice and/or receipt will be given if requested.



If I have to cancel a lesson it will be refunded or rearranged at a time to suit the pupil.
Lessons cancelled or missed by pupils will be rearranged at a time to suit both parties, 

it will not be refunded except at my discretion.


School Terms

I am using the Lambeth Council Term Time dates – additional lessons outside of term time are available.


Ending lessons

A terms notice is normally required to discontinue lessons, 

although this may be waived if I am able to fill your lesson slot immediately. 



Mastering an instrument is more about practising than musical talent.

In fact I am convinced that musical talent is an acquired skill, it owes much more to nurture rather than nature.

Short, frequent practice is the most effective way to learn.

2 x 15 minute daily sessions is enough, especially for beginners.



Students must have access to a suitable instrument.

A properly maintained (i.e. tuned regularly) piano,

or at the least, a touch-sensitive electronic keyboard or digital piano with weighted keys, on which to practise.

A dedicated stool or chair, preferably adjustable, is also important.

I am more than happy to advise if you need recommendations.

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